Chemicolor / Ufacolor in GB

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, mordant toning
“Chemicoior was the name under which the German Ufacolor Process was marketed in Britain. Ufacolor was also marketed under the name Spectracolor. The process used Agfa bipack negatives loaded with the emulsion sides facing and separated by a ...

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Spectracolor (= British version of Ufacolor)

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, mordant toning


Additive 3 color: Beam-splitter, substandard

Rota Farbenfilm

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, mordant toning

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Agfa bipack films

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack
AGFA BIPACK FILM The front film is orthochromatic and sensitive, therefore, to green and blue. The rear film is panchromatic and records red-orange only, there being a red-orange filter on the orthochromatic emulsion. In fact, this is a bipack of the ...

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Alfacolour / Alfacolor

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, duplitized film

Supercinecolor / Natural Color

Subtractive 3 color: Color separation, duplitized film, third layer added

Color Cinema Corporation

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, double-coated

2 Images


Additive 2 color: Bi-pack, double-coated

21 Images in 1 Gallery


Additive 3 color: Beam-splitter

Trucolor 2 color

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, double-coated with dye couplers
“By the 1940s, most of the two-colour subtractive processes, apart from Cinecolor, were obsolete. The widespread use of the high-quality Technicolor process showed up the serious deficiencies in the simpler methods. The only significant new ...


Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, double-coated
“An American two-colour subtractive process still worked by the Consolidated Film Industries division of Republic Pictures Corporation. This concern was licensed by the owners of the “Prizma” patents, which it will be remembered was ...

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Eastman Multilayer Stripping Film / Kodak Stripping Film

Subtractive 3 color: Stripping film


Additive 2 color: Beam-splitter


Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, duplitized
“In the Multicolor (two-color) subtractive process, two negative films are run simultaneously through any standard camera with their emulsion surfaces in contact. The front negative is orthochromatic, with the surface layer dyed orange-red to ...

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Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, dupitized positive, toned
“Coloratura. This is the process of Pathé Exchange at Bound Brook, N. J. Negatives are made by the bi-pack method. Prints are made on double-sided film and are dye-toned on one side and metallic-toned on the other. The double-sided film, ...


Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, double-coated

42 Images

Sennett Color

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, double coated, toned
“Public showings of the work done at this plant in Hollywood have been given to Los Angeles audiences. The release prints are made on double sided film. Both sides are developed at one time and then toned red on one side and bluegreen on the ...

18 Images in 1 Gallery


Subtractive 3 color: Beam-splitter, double-coated film, bichromated gelatin, Pinatype


Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, duplitized

Technicolor No. II

Subtractive 2 color: 2 toned films cemented

The first subtractive 2 color process introduced by Technicolor captured the incoming light through a beam splitter with red and green filters also. However, in contrast to the first Technicolor process, the two b/w images were recorded on one negative strip. This was achieved by the pull-down of two frames simultaneously, a process that required the double speed in the camera. These two frames were arranged in pairs, whereby the green record was inverted up-side down (see image).

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Subtractive 2 color: unknown

40 Images


Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, later bi-pack, mordant dye
“Polychromide, a two-color subtractive process invented in 1918 by Aron Hamburger, achieved limited commercial success overseas, and was occasionally employed in England as late as 1933. Originally an orthochromatic and a panchromatic negative were ...

66 Images in 2 Galleries


Subtractive 2 color: bi-pack, still photography
“A. Gurtner (Eng. P. 7924/03; U.S.P. 730454), used a front element that was sensitive only to the blue, and a rear element that was sensitive up to but not including the red. He was the first person to suggest that the two films or plates be ...

1 Image


Additive 2 color: Beam-splitter, sawn-off lens

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Auto Natural Color / Bernardi

Additive 3 color: Beam-splitter, substandard

Colorgraph / Cinecolorgraph

Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, double-coated film
“The principle of the subtractive colour process was described first by Louis Ducos du Hauron in 1868. Although eminently suitable for colour motion pictures, the principle could not be applied until means were found of producing several colour ...

1 Image


Additive 3 color: Prism

2 Images

Dunning Color

Subtractive 3 color: Beam-splitter, double-coated


Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, duplitized