
Subtractive 3 color: pigment process, still photography
“Raylo was a material developed by Hiram Codd Joseph Deeks (1880−1952) of the American Raylo Corporation, New York. It was introduced in 1922 for a printing service for users of the Raylo Camera, a one-shot camera that made three negatives ...

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Finlay Positive Color Screen / Finlaychrome

Additive 3 color: regular mosaic screen, combined system, still photography
“The launching of a combined version of the product called Finlaychrome was announced in 1931 but was still unavailable three years later; it is unclear if it was ever marketed.28 Instead, it seems that the company produced a viewing screen ...

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Autotype Dyebro

Subtractive 3 color: dye imbibition process, still photography
“Autotype Dyebro Introduced around the same time as Colorsnap and Uvatype, Autotype Dyebro combined the three-color carbro and dye imbibition processes. The method was invented by Owen Wheeler (1859–1932) and commercialized by the Autotype ...

Fuji Dyecolor

Subtractive 3 color: dye imbibition process, still photography
“Around 1975, Fuji Photo Film Company introduced Fuji Dyecolor, a dye imbibition printing service available only in Japan. A feature of the process was that the transfer of the dyes was done automatically in a special rotary machine developed ...


Subtractive 3 color: pigment process, still photography
“Introduced in the mid-1930s by George Murphy, Inc., of New York City, Belcolor was considered one of the simplest ways to obtain color transparencies, as it required no special equipment or expert technique and could be used successfully ...