Prizma I

Additive 3 color: Rotary filter
“The color experiments were conducted in the basement of a house at 1586 E. Seventeenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. During this time a double-coated stock and a bleach formula which had much to do with the success of the later Prizma process were ...


Additive 3 color: Prism

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Predecessor of Kinemacolor

Additive 2 color: Rotary filter
“Then we come upon the name of George Albert Smith, F.R.A.S., of Laboratory Lodge, Roman Crescent, Southwick, Brighton, who in E.P. 26,671, of 1906, patented the method which eventually was commercialized as Kinemacolor. In this patent he ...


Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, later bi-pack, mordant dye
“Polychromide, a two-color subtractive process invented in 1918 by Aron Hamburger, achieved limited commercial success overseas, and was occasionally employed in England as late as 1933. Originally an orthochromatic and a panchromatic negative were ...

66 Images in 2 Galleries


Subtractive 3 color: dye mordanting and silver toning process, still photography
“In 1932 Frederic Eugene Ives published details of his Polychrome printing system for making three-color paper prints or transparencies from two separation negatives made through a red and a green-blue filter. The process, described by its ...

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Diffusion: Line screen, super-8 mm

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Polacolor Instant Photography

instant still photography
“Polacolor was commercialized in 1963 and became an immediate success. It was acclaimed as the ‘most outstanding single advance in photographic science made during this century’ (Crawley 1963). Indeed, Polacolor introduced important ...

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Subtractive 3 color: Color separation, multicolor dye images


35mm Slide Film

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Additive 3 color: Four lenses, red-green-blue-grey

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Pinatype / Pinatypie

Subtractive 3 color: Dye transfer, still photography
“In the imbibition process, a dye image is transferred from a gelatin relief image to a receiving layer made either of paper or film. Charles Cros described this method of “hydrotypie” transfer printing in 1880 and suggested it ...

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Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, double-coated

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Pathécolor / Pathéchrome / stencil coloring

Applied colors: Stencil, dyed gelatin
Stencil coloring required the manual cutting, frame by frame, of the area which was to be tinted onto another identical print, one for each color. Usually the number of colors applied ranged from 3 to 6. The process was highly improved by the ...

2265 Images in 73 Galleries


Subtractive 3 color: Bi-pack and lenticular film recording, duplitized film with toning and silver dye-bleach
“In October, Eggert of the Agfa Research Department, read a paper at the Berlin meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für photographische Forschung, on the Pantochrom subtractive lenticular bipack tricolor process. (Fig. 1) The green and blue ...

19 Images in 3 Galleries


Additive 4 color: Rotary filter
”Kelley’s first color process was a four-color additive system introduced in 1913. Called Panchromotion, Kelley formed a company which would exploit the process commercially and, he hoped, provide strong competition for Kinemacolor. He apparently ...

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Subtractive 3 color: Color separation, multilayer print

11 Images in 1 Gallery

Paget Color Screen

Additive 3 color: regular mosaic screen, separate system, still photography
“Paget Color Screen (1913–ca. 1922): lines of red and blue squares alternated with lines of green and blue squares (Fig. 2.52). The lines are at a 45-degree angle from the edge of the plate. The side of the red and green squares measures ...

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Subtractive 3 color: pigment process, still photography

Ozobrome 1905–ca. 1910, after 1913 renamed Raydex

Subtractive 3 color: pigment process, still photography
“In 1905 Thomas Manly (d. 1932) of London introduced the Ozobrome process,21 which was a modification of his earlier Ozotype, patented in 1898.22 The process was based on a carbon printing method proposed in 1873 by Auguste Marion (1835–1917) ...

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Orwocolor NC 3

Subtractive 3 color: Chromogenic monopack

Orwocolor NC 1

Subtractive 3 color: Chromogenic monopack


Subtractive 3 color: Chromogenic monopack

1026 Images in 27 Galleries


Subtractive 3 color: Chromogenic monopack, reversal, 16 mm

84 Images in 3 Galleries

Orthochromatic stock

b/w photography: Orthochromatic b/w stock
“In 1873 Dr Vogel discovered that by adding dyes to the sensitive material, its sensitivity could be extended, so that it would record green as well as blue. The new ‘orthochromatic’ plates were available commercially from 1882. The ...

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Additive 3 color: Lenticular screen


Additive 3 color: regular mosaic screen, still photography
“To produce the Omnicolore color screen, a sheet of glass was coated with a layer of gelatin on which lines of greasy blue-violet ink were ruled. The space between the lines was dyed yellow. Lines of greasy light blue ink were then ruled at ...

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New Agfa Color Plate

Additive 3 color: mosaic screen, combined system, still photography
“New Agfa Color Plate (1923–1932): colored particles very small and not visible to the naked eye, but clumps of particles of the same color give the image a pointillist effect (Fig. 2.62). Unlike with the autochromes, in which the grains ...

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Subtractive 3 color: pigment process, still photography
“In 1902 Robert Krayn of Berlin described and patented his Naturfarben-Photographie System, a carbon printing system that was commercially introduced around 1905 by the German manufacturer of photographic paper Neue Photographische ...

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Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, duplitized
“In the Multicolor (two-color) subtractive process, two negative films are run simultaneously through any standard camera with their emulsion surfaces in contact. The front negative is orthochromatic, with the surface layer dyed orange-red to ...

72 Images in 6 Galleries

Mroz Farbenfilm

Additive 2 color: Alternately stained images, 9.5 and possibly 16 mm

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