Chemicolor / Ufacolor in GB

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, mordant toning
“Chemicoior was the name under which the German Ufacolor Process was marketed in Britain. Ufacolor was also marketed under the name Spectracolor. The process used Agfa bipack negatives loaded with the emulsion sides facing and separated by a ...

9 Images in 2 Galleries

Busch Farbenfilm

Additive 2 color: Beam-splitter, red-green

5 Images in 1 Gallery

British Tricolour / Dufaychrome

Subtractive 3 color: Beam-splitter, three-strip, multiple printing

19 Images in 3 Galleries


Subtractive 2 color: Perforated mirror as beam-splitter, duplitized film
“Following the premises of one of William Friese-Greene’s systems, this two-colour subtractive process required that two reels of film be printed in parallel through a lens fitted with a prism that split light in two directions, through red ...


Subtractive 2 or 3 color: Perforated mirror as beam-splitter, duplitized film
“The Brewster Process. (U.S.P. 1,752,477. 1930-) Camera. – P. D. Brewster, an American inventor, who was one of the first to apply the bipack system to colour cinematography, has a number of patents to his credit covering various cameras and ...

52 Images in 1 Gallery


Subtractive 2 color: bi-pack, still photography
“A. Gurtner (Eng. P. 7924/03; U.S.P. 730454), used a front element that was sensitive only to the blue, and a rear element that was sensitive up to but not including the red. He was the first person to suggest that the two films or plates be ...

1 Image

Auto Natural Color / Bernardi

Additive 3 color: Beam-splitter, substandard


Additive 3 color: Prism
“R. Berthon and M. Audibert patented a method of obtaining a virtual image by means of an anterior lens and prisms or mirrors. This idea was further improved upon in E.P. 17,023, 1913. In F.P. 458,040 Audibert proposed to use a negative front lens ...

2 Images


Addtive 3 color: Beam-splitter, mosaic screen, 65 mm

3 Images


Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, duplitized


Additive 3 color: Beam-splitter, substandard

Alfacolour / Alfacolor

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, duplitized film

Agfa bipack films

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack
AGFA BIPACK FILM The front film is orthochromatic and sensitive, therefore, to green and blue. The rear film is panchromatic and records red-orange only, there being a red-orange filter on the orthochromatic emulsion. In fact, this is a bipack of the ...

11 Images in 1 Gallery