
Direct color photography: Interference, still photography
“In 1891, Professor Gabriel Lippmann demonstrated to the French Académie des Sciences interference colour photographs of the spectrum and of stained glass windows, taken by a modification of Wiener’s method. An exceedingly fine grained, ...

5 Images

Unidentified Processes


Photographs of unidentified color film technologies. Several different principles and times. Feel free to contact us if you can help identifying them!

298 Images in 5 Galleries


Subtractive 2 color: Single coated


Subtractive 3 color: Color separation, multicolor dye images

DuPont Stripping Negative

Subtractive 3 color: Stripping film

2 Images

Eastman Panchromatic Separation Film 5216

Black and white panchromatic film: Three-color separation positives from color negatives

Eastman Panchromatic Separation Film 5235

Black and white panchromatic film: Three-color separation positives from color negatives


Subtractive 3 color: Color separation, multilayer print

11 Images in 1 Gallery

Kodak Panchromatic Separation Film 2238

Black and white panchromatic film: Three-color separation positives from color negatives