Traube / Uvachrome

Subtractive 3 color: Mordanting, dye transfer, wash-off relief, still photography
“In the imbibition process, a dye image is transferred from a gelatin relief image to a receiving layer made either of paper or film. Charles Cros described this method of ‘hydrotypie’ transfer printing in 1880 and suggested it ...

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New Agfa Color Plate

Additive 3 color: mosaic screen, combined system, still photography
“New Agfa Color Plate (1923–1932): colored particles very small and not visible to the naked eye, but clumps of particles of the same color give the image a pointillist effect (Fig. 2.62). Unlike with the autochromes, in which the grains ...

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Subtractive 2 color: Dye transfer
“In 1919 Kelley produced a series of coloured cartoons which were drawn by Pinto Colvig. In 1924 he introduced “Kelleycolor,” which was an imbibition process. Two colours were imbibed on a black-and-white key image. In 1926 he ...

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Additive 3 color: Double-sized film, rotary filter


Additive 3 color: Beam-splitter, 65 mm negative

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Additive 3 color: Moving lenses
“The process of J. Szczepanik in 1925 was impracticable. He used a non-intermittent camera having a chain of eighteen lenses moving together with the film behind a collimating lens, three pictures being simultaneously exposed.” (Klein, ...


Additive two-color or four-color process: beam splitter and mosaic screen, films
In this process, two positives, one orange-red one blue-green, were cemented together. Several specifications and modifications exist, for instance the strengthening of the perforated film margins via a second exposure, in an attempt to overcome wear ...


Subtractive 3 color: dye imbibition process, still photography
“Invented by G. Koppmann and introduced in Hamburg in 1924 by the German financier Josef-Peter Welker, from whom the product took its name (Wall and Jordan 1940: 330), Jos-Pé was a complete color system that included a one-exposure camera, ...

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Additive 3 color: Line screen
“The Warner-Powrie process patented in 1905 was the earliest commercial process using a screen made with bichromated colloid. A glass plate was thinly coated with bichromated gelatin or fish glue and exposed to light through a screen having ...


additive three-color: Integrated filters and rotary filter
Much like many other additive processes, the Wolff-Heide system was based on three black and white color separations printed consecutively on one film strip and projected through a rotary filter attached to the projector. However, the biggest ...


Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, duplitized

Gevaert Positif Color

Applied colors: Pretinted film

Cinecolor additive 2 color / Cinecolour

Additive 2 color: Beam-splitter, substandard

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Additive 3 color: Line screen (réseau), 35 mm reversal
For a description of Spicer-Dufay see detail page on Dufaycolor)

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Auto Natural Color / Bernardi

Additive 3 color: Beam-splitter, substandard

Hérault Trichrome

Additive 3 color: Alternately stained in red, green and blue
“The Hérault Trichrome process was demonstrated in Paris on 1 October 1926, with three films made by A. Rodde — a fashion show, a documentary on Brittany and a tableau of the Legend of the King of Ys. Hérault Trichrome was an extension of ...

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Cox Multicolor

Additive 2 color: Rotary filter

Busch Farbenfilm

Additive 2 color: Beam-splitter, red-green

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Duplex Screen Plate

Additive 3 color: regular mosaic screen, still photography
“Paget plates were discontinued in the early 1920s. Apparently production costs had risen to an almost prohibitive amount after World War I due to the difficulties of producing screen plates without defect (Offer 1926). The product reemerged ...

Lignose Naturfarbenfilm

Additive 3 color: Mosaic screen

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Color Cinema Corporation

Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, double-coated

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Technicolor No. III

Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, dye transfer

The third Technicolor process used the same camera as process no. II to combine a pair of frames of the red and green record respectively on the b/w negative (see image). In contrast to the former process, however, the two images were printed on one side of the positive by the dye transfer or imbibition process.

1298 Images in 38 Galleries

Kodacolor / Keller-Dorian Color

Additive 3 color: Lenticular screen
“LENTICULAR PROCESS In 1896 R. E. Liesegang (Ahriman, 1896) suggested a photographic color process based upon the use of banded filters in the camera aperture. […] In 1909 R. Berthon (British Patent 10,611; see also Berthon, 1910a, b) ...

35 Images in 2 Galleries

Autochrome film / Cinécolor

Additive 3 color: Mosaic screen
Several attempts were made to apply the Autochrome process invented by the Lumière brothers to motion pictures. Transparent potato starch grains with a diameter of 15–20 micrometer were colored in the additive primaries red, green and blue. The ...

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Subtractive 2 color: Bi-pack, duplitized
“In the Multicolor (two-color) subtractive process, two negative films are run simultaneously through any standard camera with their emulsion surfaces in contact. The front negative is orthochromatic, with the surface layer dyed orange-red to ...

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Subtractive 3 color: Beam-splitter, double-coated film, bichromated gelatin, Pinatype

Tinted film base / Kodak Sonochrome

Applied colors: Tinted film for sound films
Kodak Sonochrome was a specially prepared tinted film for sound film that did not interfere with the spectral sensitivity of the photo-electric cell for the reading of the optical sound track. The 17 Sonochrome tints were dyed in mainly light hues ...

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Mroz Farbenfilm

Additive 2 color: Alternately stained images, 9.5 and possibly 16 mm

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Colorsnap, Colorol

Subtractive 3 color: dye imbibition process, still photography
“In 1929 the London firm Colour Snapshots Limited introduced Colorsnap, a printing service based on the dye imbibition process for a tripack roll film called Colorsnap and manufactured by Ilford Ltd. (Monopolies Commission 1966).11 The tripack ...

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Subtractive 2 color: Beam-splitter, single-coated
“Harriscolor In this method as in other methods of color photography, independent color value negatives are first obtained. The Harriscolor process can employ one of the following two methods: Either a camera wherein the dividing light prisms ...

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